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FAQ: Storage

On this page

  • What happens when I reach my Atlas storage limit?
  • Without using Provisioned IOPS on MongoDB Atlas on AWS, what kind of IOPS should I expect?
  • Can I configure a cluster with more storage than the standard limit for the cluster tier?

The result of reaching your Atlas storage limit depends on the Atlas cluster you are using.

  • For shared clusters (M0, M2, M5), the maximum storage is a hard limit and cannot be exceeded. You can add additional storage by upgrading to a dedicated cluster (M10+). For details on how Atlas calculates storage limits for shared clusters, see this section of the FAQ.

  • By default, M10+ clusters auto-expand storage based on disk usage thresholds. To modify this setting to a fixed storage limit, refer to the Modify a Cluster page.

If you attempt to write to a shared cluster that does not have space for the desired write operation, Atlas displays an error message similar to the following:

"writeError": {
"code": 8000,
"errmsg": "you are over your space quota, using 513 MB of 512 MB"


See also:

To learn about the differences between shared and dedicated clusters, see Atlas M0 free cluster, M2, and M5 Limitations.


You can configure alerts which trigger once your allocated storage reaches a specified threshold. Atlas calculates allocated storage using metrics returned by the dbStats command.

Atlas retrieves database metrics every 20 minutes by default but adjusts frequency when necessary to reduce the impact on database performance.

To learn more about storage alerts, see DB Storage alert conditions.

Atlas calculates the storage limit for shared clusters based on data usage, as opposed to the storageSize metric used by non-shared clusters (which includes compression). Atlas determines data usage by summing a cluster's dataSize and indexSize. You can issue the db.stats() method to view the values of these fields.

Atlas provides an estimate of how many 16K IOPS you can expect, calculated as the lesser of 3 IOPS per provisioned GB, or the cluster node's maximum IOPS capacity.

For clusters that meet specific criteria, yes. To learn which clusters support extended storage and how to enable this for your projects, see Manage Project Settings.


FAQ: Security