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Manage Programmatic Access to Multiple Organizations

On this page

  • Required Access
  • Create Multiple Organizations
  • (Optional) Set Up Cross-Organization Billing
  • Create API Keys for your Organizations

In the organizations and projects hierarchy, an organization can contain multiple projects (previously referred to as groups). Under this structure:

  • Billing happens at the organization level while preserving visibility into usage in each project.

  • You can view all projects within an organization.

  • You can use teams to bulk assign organization users to projects within the organization.

If you need to scale beyond the existing project limits, you can create multiple organizations.

To perform any of the following actions, you must have Organization Owner access to Atlas.

Repeat the following steps to create multiple organizations:

  1. Expand the Organizations menu in the navigation bar.

  2. Click View All Organizations.



Don't include sensitive information in your organization name.


You have the option of adding a new Cloud Manager organization or a new Atlas organization. For more information on Cloud Manager see the documentation.

  1. For existing Atlas users, enter their username. Usually, this is the email the person used to register.

  2. For new Atlas users, enter their email address to send an invitation.


When you create a new organization with the Atlas UI, Atlas requires IP access lists for the Atlas Administration API by default. If you require an IP access list, your Atlas Administration API keys can make API requests only from the location-based IP or CIDR addresses that you specify in the IP access list.

To disable the IP access list requirement and allow your Atlas Administration API keys to make requests from any address on the internet, toggle Require IP Access List for the Atlas Administration API to OFF.

To learn more, see Optional: Require an IP Access List for the Atlas Administration API.


You can set up cross-organization billing to share a billing subscription across multiple organizations.

The following prerequisites and limitations apply:

  • To link a paying organization to another organization, you must have Organization Billing Admin or Organization Owner privileges for both organizations.

  • A paying organization must have an Atlas subscription.

  • A paying organization and all linked organizations must be in good standing and have no failed payments.

  • A paying organization and any linked organizations must be on the same support level.

  • A paying organization and any linked organizations must have the same minimums, uplifts, and SLA for their subscription plan.

  • A paying organization and any linked organizations can't have an active self-serve support plan.

  • A paying organization and any linked organizations can't have overlapping monthly commitment deals.

  • A paying organization on a prepaid subscription plan and any linked organizations must be on the same current and future subscription plans.

  • You can manually link a paying organization with the Atlas UI, or programatically link a paying organization with the Atlas Admin API to a maximum of 250 other organizations. To link a paying organization to more than 250 other organizations, contact support.

  • A paying organization can't already be a linked organization.

  • A paying organization can be linked to a self-serve organization.

  • A paying organization and any linked organizations can't have an active self-serve marketplace subscription plan.


To purchase a subscription that enables cross-organization billing, contact MongoDB Sales.

To configure a paying organization and link other organizations to it:


If you wish to create a new organization through which to pay, Create an Organization.


You can rename an organization to reach your desired cross-organization configuration.

  1. If it's not already displayed, select your desired organization from the Organizations menu in the navigation bar.

  2. Do one of the following steps:

    • Click Billing in the navigation bar.

    • Click Billing in the sidebar.

    The Billing page displays.



The Linked Organizations tab only displays if your selected organization is eligible to be a paying organization for cross-organization billing.


If you are configuring a new paying organization, click Start Linking.

If your organization is already a paying organization, click Link More Organizations.


A dialog box displays your selected organization under Paying organization on the left and a list of organizations you may link to it under Select organizations to link on the right.

Select each organization you wish to link to your paying organization.

Click Review and Finish.


Confirm that your organizations are linked as intended and click Finish.

To manage projects in all your organizations:


Repeat the steps to create an API key for an organization for each organization.


For each project within an organization, invite the related organization key.


Organization Access